Submit your CV to Seaworthy Consulting if you would like to join our database and be informed of future job opportunities.
Should a job become available that fits your profile we will get in contact with you. We are more than happy to provide any of our candidates with guidance or advice.
We accept applications for the following positions:
Should a job become available that fits your profile we will get in contact with you. We are more than happy to provide any of our candidates with guidance or advice.
We accept applications for the following positions:
- Master/ Captain
- Chief Officer
- Second Officer
- Third Officer
- Chief Engineer
- First Engineer
- Second Engineer
- Second Officer
- Third Engineer
- Oiler/ Motorman
- Electrical Technician Officer
- Deck crew
- Crane operator / Lift Supervisor
- Crane Technician
- ROV pilot / Supervisor
- Air & Sat diver / Supervisor
- Survey Personnel

If you a looking for training within the United Kingdom please follow the link to the South West Maritime Academy for an updated list of courses they provide.